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Telos Audio GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer
Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer
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Posted On 13.09.2024
Last Update On 13.09.2024 Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer
Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer Telos Audio Design GNR 5.1 highend audio Ground Noise Reducer
Description Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschSpanishTurkish New with high discount, never used! One Telos Audio GNR 5.1 high end audio Ground Noise Reducer. Using the same analogy as a high precision digital clock, GNR 5.1 generates low distortion Ground reference voltage, giving each equipment a consistent reference point. When the audio setup is operating on a singular Ground potential, the signal transmission becomes least impeded, avoiding any transmission loss due to polarity mismatch and bit error. Therefore, truly achieving the best transmission possible. GNR 5.1 can be upgraded to the Plus version with an additional board which costs around 1.000 euro. Retail price is 8.500 euro, now for 5.299 euro only. The original box and six 1,5 metre Telos ground wires are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Asking Price: 8,500 EUR Discount Price: 5,299 EUR Price History >
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