Daniel Electronic Pentode Gold 130 Rören Endstufen
Daniel Electronic Pentode Gold 130 Rören Endstufen
95 views last month, 18 views this month
Posted On
17.09.2024Last Update On
Original Description is in
German, other language texts are translations and can contain errors.
Daniel Electronic Pentode Gold 130 Tube Mono Power Amplifiers, made in South Korea.
Powerful and musically playing tube power amplifiers with 130 watts of power and clever circuitry.
Daniel Electronic Pentode Gold 130 Röhren Mono Endstufen, made in South Korea.
Kräftig und musikalisch aufspielende Tube Endstufen mit 130 Watt Leistung und cleverer Schaltung.
Daniel Electronic Pentode Gold 130 Amplificadores de Potencia Mono de Válvulas, fabricados en Corea del Sur.
Potentes amplificadores de potencia de válvulas con 130 vatios de potencia y circuitos inteligentes.
Daniel Electronic Pentode Gold 130 Tüplü Mono Güç Amplifikatörleri, Güney Kore'de üretilmiştir.
130 watt güç ve akıllı devre ile güçlü ve müzikal olarak çalan tüp güç amplifikatörleri.