Pass Labs Aleph Ono MM ve MC Phono
Pass Labs aleph ono
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Posted On
28.11.2024Last Update On
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Full contents of box foam.
We are waiting for you at Timpani Audio for the demo.
Gain 40 dB @ 1 KHz (MM)
71dB @ 1KHz (MC)
76dB @ 1KHz (MC)
RIAA response plus/minus .1 dB 20-20 KHz
Distortion < .05% THD @ 20 volts
balanced @ 1KHz
Maximum Output 20 volts rms.
Output Impedance 150/150 ohms
Input Impedance 47 Kohm 0-650 pF (MM)
5 ohms - 47 Kohms (MC)
Unweighted Noise -90 dB ref. 10 mV input (MM)
-81 dB ref. 1 mV input (MC)
Power consumption 20 watts
Dimensions 19" W x 11.5" D x 4" H
Weight 35 lbs.
Kompletter Inhalt aus Boxschaum.
Wir erwarten Sie bei Timpani Audio zur Demo.
Verstärkung 40 dB bei 1 KHz (MM)
71 dB bei 1 kHz (MC)
76 dB bei 1 kHz (MC)
RIAA-Antwort plus/minus 0,1 dB 20-20 KHz
Verzerrung < 0,05 % THD bei 20 Volt
symmetrisch bei 1 kHz
Maximaler Ausgang 20 Volt rms.
Ausgangsimpedanz 150/150 Ohm
Eingangsimpedanz 47 Kohm 0-650 pF (MM)
5 Ohm – 47 Kohm (MC)
Ungewichteter Lärm -90 dB ref. 10 mV Eingang (MM)
-81dB ref. 1 mV Eingang (MC)
Stromverbrauch 20 Watt
Abmessungen 19" B x 11,5" T x 4" H
Gewicht 35 Pfund.
Contenido completo de la caja de espuma.
Te esperamos en Timpani Audio para la demo.
Ganancia 40 dB a 1 KHz (MM)
71dB a 1KHz (MC)
76 dB a 1 KHz (MC)
Respuesta RIAA más/menos 0,1 dB 20-20 KHz
Distorsión < 0,05 % THD a 20 voltios
equilibrado @ 1KHz
Salida máxima 20 voltios rms.
Impedancia de salida 150/150 ohmios
Impedancia de entrada 47 Kohm 0-650 pF (MM)
5 ohmios - 47 Kohmios (MC)
Ruido no ponderado -90 dB ref. Entrada de 10 mV (MM)
-81dB ref. Entrada de 1mV (MC)
Consumo de energía 20 vatios
Dimensiones 19" ancho x 11,5" profundidad x 4" alto
Peso 35 libras.
Kutu köpük Full içerik
Demo İçin Timpani Audio'ya Bekleriz.
Gain 40 dB @ 1 KHz (MM)
71 dB @ 1 KHz (MC)
76 dB @ 1 KHz (MC)
RIAA response plus/minus .1 dB 20-20 KHz
Distortion < .05 % THD @ 20 volts
balanced @ 1 KHz
Maximum Output 20 volts rms.
Output Impedance 150/150 ohms
Input Impedance 47 Kohm 0-650 pF (MM)
5 ohm - 47 Kohm (MC)
Unweighted Noise -90 dB ref. 10 mV input (MM)
-81 dB ref. 1 mV input (MC)
Power consumption 20 watts
Dimensions 19 " W x 11.5 “ D x 4 " H
Weight 35 lbs.