Black Rhodium Opera DCT++ CS XLR Kablo
Black Rhodium Opera DCT++ CS XLR Kablo
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7.01.2023Last Update On
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Very clean condition. Not open to trade.
Black Rhodium Opera DCT++ XLR Interconnects (with Crystal Sound) offer a sweet, silky, revealing sound with superb revelation of musical detail due to the benefits of high purity, silver, solid core wire, enhanced by deep cryogenic treatment (DCT). Use Opera to enjoy a smoother, clearer, more musical performance.
- Pure Silver solid core wire for superb revelation of musical detail.
- Insulated in PTFE for very low dielectric loss.
- Silver-plated braided Copper screen for protection from extraneous noise.
- Terminated with Eichmann Bullet Plugs for superior sound quality in all aspects of performance.
- Attractively finished in an expensive looking Bronze screen.
- Ideal for use in high end systems, especially where valves are favored.
More Information
According to Black Rhodium, DCT super-chilled conductors add depth, clarity and timing to music and enhance the dramatic impact of your favorite movies. High current capacity conductors for deeper more powerful bass. Insulated in low loss silicone rubber.
Sehr sauberer Zustand Ausgeschlossen vom Handel.
Black Rhodium Opera DCT++ XLR Interconnects (mit Crystal Sound) bieten einen süßen, seidigen, aufschlussreichen Klang mit hervorragender Offenbarung musikalischer Details aufgrund der Vorteile von hochreinem Silberdraht mit massivem Kern, der durch tiefe kryogene Behandlung (DCT) verbessert wird. Verwenden Sie Opera, um eine reibungslosere, klarere und musikalischere Darbietung zu genießen.
- Massivkerndraht aus reinem Silber für eine hervorragende Offenbarung musikalischer Details.
- PTFE-isoliert für sehr geringen dielektrischen Verlust.
- Versilbertes Kupfergeflecht zum Schutz vor Fremdgeräuschen.
- Abgeschlossen mit Eichmann Bullet Plugs für überragende Klangqualität in allen Leistungsaspekten.
- Attraktiv verarbeitet in einem teuer aussehenden Bronze-Bildschirm.
- Ideal für den Einsatz in High-End-Systemen, insbesondere dort, wo Ventile bevorzugt werden.
Mehr Informationen
Laut Black Rhodium verleihen supergekühlte DCT-Dirigenten der Musik Tiefe, Klarheit und Timing und verstärken die dramatische Wirkung Ihrer Lieblingsfilme. Leiter mit hoher Stromkapazität für tiefere, kraftvollere Bässe. Isoliert in verlustarmem Silikonkautschuk.
Çok temiz durumda .Takasa açık değildir.
Black Rhodium Opera DCT++ XLR Interconnects (with Crystal Sound) offer a sweet, silky, revealing sound with superb revelation of musical detail due to the benefits of high purity, silver, solid core wire, enhanced by deep cryogenic treatment (DCT). Use Opera to enjoy a smoother, clearer, more musical performance.
- Pure Silver solid core wire for superb revelation of musical detail.
- Insulated in PTFE for very low dielectric loss.
- Silver-plated braided Copper screen for protection from extraneous noise.
- Terminated with Eichmann Bullet Plugs for superior sound quality in all aspects of performance.
- Attractively finished in an expensive looking Bronze screen.
- Ideal for use in high end systems, especially where valves are favoured.
More Information
According to Black Rhodium, DCT super-chilled conductors add depth, clarity and timing to music and enhance the dramatic impact of your favourite movies. High current capacity conductors for deeper more powerful bass. Insulated in low loss silicone rubber.