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Finite Elemente Cerabase for B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series (2 sets of 4)
Finite Elemente Cerabase for B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series (2 sets of 4)
Posted On 20.04.2023
Last Update On 20.04.2023 Finite Elemente Cerabase for B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series (2 sets of 4)
Finite Elemente Cerabase for B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series (2 sets of 4) Finite Elemente Cerabase for B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series (2 sets of 4) Finite Elemente Cerabase for B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series (2 sets of 4)
Description Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschTurkish

Two sets of four Finite Elemente Cerabase high end audio tuning feet for Bowers and Wilkins B&W 800 Diamond D2 Series. Cutting edge technology from one of the leading manufacturers of high end audio products – the ultimate direct coupling technique for your audio components, composed by ultra-hardened ceramic balls in high-precision coupling devices. Retail price for the set of eight feet is 1.800 euro. The original boxes and accessories are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!

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