Cabasse The pearl akoya
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Posted On
31.07.2023Last Update On
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Turkish, other language texts are translations and can contain errors.
I bought it for the terrace of my house and I don't need it because I don't stand with much biceps in the house. I decided to sell it. It has all the boxes, covers, etc. that are immaculately clean like zero. Zero price 1560 € + VAT (pieces). I bought it from Can hifi in April. Invoice available.
Ich habe es für die Terrasse meines Hauses gekauft und brauche es nicht, weil ich nicht viel Bizeps im Haus stehe. Ich beschloss, es zu verkaufen. Es hat alle Schachteln, Abdeckungen usw., die makellos sauber wie Null sind. Nullpreis 1560 € + MwSt. (Stück). Ich habe es im April bei Can hifi gekauft. Rechnung vorhanden.
Evimin terası için almıştım evde pek pazla durmadığımdan ihtiyacım olmuyor. Satmaya karar verdim. Sıfır gibi tertemiz tüm kutuları, kılıfları vs duruyor. Sıfır fiyatı 1560 € + KDV (adet).Nisan ayında Can hifi’den aldım. Faturası mevcut.