Spirit of st louis Spırıt of St. Louıs
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Posted On
21.09.2023Last Update On
Original Description is in
Turkish, other language texts are translations and can contain errors.
The original St. Louis N-X-211 Of The Single Spyret In Turkey The original came from abroad and was kept as it came. It is a complete collection with its own hereditary box and columns. There is no non-working part.
Das Original St. Louis N-X-211 der Single Spyret in der Türkei Das Original kam aus dem Ausland und wurde so aufbewahrt, wie es kam. Es handelt sich um eine komplette Sammlung mit eigenem Erbkasten und Säulen. Es gibt kein nicht funktionierendes Teil.
Orjinal Türkiye de tek Spırıt Of St. Louıs N-X-211 Yurtdışından orjinal geldi ve geldiği gibi muhafaza edildi . Kendinden otjinal kutusu ve kolonları ile tam bir koleksiyonluktur.
Çalılmayan bir aksamı yoktur.