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Chord Electronics Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Fecha del anuncio 8.12.2023
Última actualización 8.12.2023 Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier
Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier Chord Hugo TT2 highend audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco One Chord Electronics Hugo TT2 high end audio DAC preamplifier and headphone amplifier in a mint, like new condition. Hugo TT2 has been radically redesigned from the ground up, not only with beautiful new casework, but with 5x the processing power of the original Hugo TT and double that of the multi-award-winning Hugo 2. As expected, it delivers radically improved technical specifications and measurements across the board and exhibits drastic sonic benefits over its predecessor with 768kHz PCM and DSD 512 playback. Hugo TT2 sets a new benchmark in table top audio. Serial number is 536555. Retail price is 5.999 euro. The original box, remote and accessories are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Contrado Audio Fecha de registro June 2019
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Precio: 3,899 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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el mundo entero

Política de devoluciones Este producto no admite devoluciones