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Grado Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones GRADO LABS Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones Fecha del anuncio 12.02.2024
Última actualización 12.02.2024 GRADO LABS Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones
GRADO LABS Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones GRADO LABS Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones GRADO LABS Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones GRADO LABS Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco New with high discount! One Grado Statement GS1000E highend On-Ear Headphones. GS1000E retains a sound that is pure Grado rich full bodied vocals excellent dynamics and an ultra smooth top end The presentation is very detailed the bass is deep and the music is very tight and non fatiguing. All with a soundstage that is huge allowing for unbelievable separation and layering of the music which is simply stunning Retail price is 1.199 euro, now for 899 euro only. Comes in original packaging with all original cables included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 1,199 EUR Precio rebajado: 899 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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el mundo entero

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