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Dyrholm Audio Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre Dyrholm Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre Fecha del anuncio 16.03.2024
Última actualización 16.03.2024 Dyrholm Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre
Dyrholm Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre Dyrholm Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre Dyrholm Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre Dyrholm Vision highend audio speaker cables 2,5 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco One pair of Dyrholm Audio Vision high end audio speaker cables in a fantastic condition. Vision speaker cables are made of 3 x 7 UPOCC copper wires (21 pcs) in each conductor. More than 10 square millimeters per leader (AWG 7). The wires are acoustically optimized in dimension for this particular cable. The wires are braided with cotton fibers and sealed against corrosion. Each conductor are electrically shielded from noise, and it is possible to ground the screens, which provides even better sound. This construction also provides a minimum of accumulation of static electricity and protects against vibrations. These cables are unique. Overall, a musical experience far beyond the ordinary. A must for all music lovers. The length is 2,5 metre and they have the original silver plated banana connectors. Serial number is 5084. Retail price is 17.295 euro. The original box and grounding wires are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 7,499 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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