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Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre Fecha del anuncio 16.03.2024
Última actualización 16.03.2024 Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre
Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable 1,5 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco One Audiomica Laboratory Consequence ALLBIT high end audio power cable in an absolute mint, like new condition (the current version, used for one demo only). Audiomica offers the highest value for money, all the leading edges in the right place at the right time, truly excellence, like there is no cable at all. Consequence series includes the most advanced cables in the Audiomica Laboratory offer. They are made of OCC N7 copper conductors with large cross-sections and a TPFE dielectric. In addition, the cables are terminated with proprietary plugs that have been subjected to the double rhodium plating technology in the DCP process. All Consequence cables are Multi-Shields screened; unique braids of different densities were used to ensure full protection against external influences. The length is 1,5 metre and the original box and certificate are included. Retail price is 3.750 euro. Free shipping worldwide!
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Contrado Audio Fecha de registro June 2019
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Precio: 2,099 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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el mundo entero

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