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Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre Fecha del anuncio 1.04.2024
Última actualización 1.04.2024 Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre
Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre Transparent Audio Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 highend audio power cable 2,0 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco One of the best high end audio power cables on the market! A Transparent Opus Source Generation 5 in a fantastic condition. Opus is the perfect high-current, noise-free power connection solution for your high end audio system. Heftier, more tightly constructed OFHC power cable technology holds all elements of the cable package firmly in place and preserves the intended electrical properties of the power cable design. Proprietary, handcrafted termination technology ensures better power delivery without restriction or instability, thereby freeing your components to bring you a more realistic music listening experience. The Transparent filter network reduces AC line noise and takes the length of the power cable and its inherent electrical properties fully into consideration to reduce noise to previously unachievable levels and to provide superior power transfer. The noise reduction network is encased in a beautifully contoured, sizable epoxy resin-filled carbon fiber module to reduce the effects of vibration and resonance. The length is 2,0 metre and it has the original connectors (EU schuko and C15 IEC). Serial number is 0294G5. Retail price is 6.299 euro. The original Transparent case, outer box, paperwork and product label are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 3,199 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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