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Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player Fecha del anuncio 16.04.2024
Última actualización 16.04.2024 Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player
Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco One Esoteric N-05XD highend audio DAC, Preamplifier and Network Player in an absolute mint, like new condition (the original European 220-240 Volts version). This N-05XD was used for one demo only for a client who was interested, so basically you could say that it is a new one. As Esoteric’s first-ever network DAC/preamp, the N-05XD was specifically designed to deliver superior sound quality from the smallest system configurations combining your favorite power amplifier, speakers, and headphones. Integrating fully balanced circuitry directly derived from Esoteric’s flagship series, the N-05XD’s network engine is equipped with a pure, dedicated linear power supply and an in-house designed discrete DAC that ensures that its preamplifier and headphone amplifier are capable of clearly reproducing the full sound of a recording’s original master. Retail price is 13.500 euro, now for 9.499 euro only. The original box, manual and remote control are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 9,499 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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el mundo entero

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