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Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Fecha del anuncio 26.04.2024
Última actualización 26.04.2024 Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC
Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC Bryston 8B-ST 4 Channel Power Amp 120 WPC
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco




8.00 KGS

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1 unit

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1 unit


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Very good condition and in full working order. Serviced.

Rare Bryston 8B-ST power amplifier that can be a 4 channel amp or a 2 channel amp when bridged. It is 120 watts when it is 4 channels and 400 watts when bridged to be a 2 channel amp. Bryston released this amp in 1996 and was meant to be a versatile amp for home theater and also for fidelity. The power is clean and fast.  It sonically sounds amazing and is distortion-free. 

This amp has been tested and cleaned by a professional  tech and is in wonderful working order. The cosmetic condition is very good  except for some light scratches/marks on the top plate as highlighted in the photos. 

very good example of the Bryston 8b-st 4-channel power amplifier. 120wpc into 8 ohms. Can operate as 2 channel - or 3 or 4.  World class performance. Excellent with likes of PMC.

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Emporium HiFi Fecha de registro July 2019
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