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MSB Signature DAC IV con Diamond P Base
MSB Technology Signature DAC IV con Diamond P Base
Fecha del anuncio 25.10.2024
Última actualización 25.10.2024 MSB Technology Signature DAC IV con Diamond P Base
MSB Technology Signature DAC IV con Diamond P Base MSB Technology Signature DAC IV con Diamond P Base MSB Technology Signature DAC IV con Diamond P Base
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco MSB Technology Signature DAC IV D/A converter, excellent condition, original packaging and manual, single owner, full black color, 1 year warranty.

Separate Diamond Power Base IV power supply (top of the range, upgrade compared to the Signature version).

Highly successful electronics with Signature series R2R Ladder conversion modules, Diamond Power Base ultralinear power supply (upgrade compared to the Power Base supplied), 32-384 upsampler and selectable MSB digital filter.

Extremely effective mechanical decoupling and chassis cooling system.

Digital inputs: SPDIF Rca and BNC, optical toslink, and AES/EBU XLR and proprietary MSB Network.

Conversion of digital audio files with PCM encoding up to 32bit/384KHz and DSD 128 from each digital input.

Analog Rca input for an external source (e.g. turntable).

Analog outputs 2x Rca and balanced XLR.

Possibility to add volume control and USB input Quad DSD USB on offer:


and a more precise clock than the one mounted on the motherboard (already extremely high-performance):


Modern and technologically unsurpassed electronics, capable of giving unique emotions at a price today observable with a different perspective.

List price €28,350

More information by clicking here.

Mondo Audio Fecha de registro July 2019
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