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SPEC RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer SPEC Corporation RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer Fecha del anuncio 10.11.2022
Última actualización 10.11.2022 SPEC Corporation RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer
SPEC Corporation RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer SPEC Corporation RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer SPEC Corporation RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One SPEC RSP-C3W Real Sound Processor for home audio theatre Subwoofer or car audio Subwoofer in a very good condition. RSP-C3W can bring out the full potential of your subwoofer, delivering realistic sound and rich musicality. Simply connect to the speaker and improve the sound quality of your audio equipment. How it works: during playback, the counter electromotive force (EMF) is generally generated in the voice coil of speaker driver in proportion to the frequency and power amplifier output level. This counter electromotive force returns back to the the amplifier circuitry through the speaker cable. This can make it difficult to drive the speakers faithfully. By connecting RSP-C3W, much of this counter electromotive force is absorbed and it reduces the impedance change of the speaker. As a result, the speaker is driven accurately and can improve the resolution and the “control” of the music. Retail price is 299 euro. The original box and manual are included. We have two of them in stock, so if you need both, just let us know. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Contrado Audio Fecha de registro June 2019
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Precio: 179 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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el mundo entero

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