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AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre Fecha del anuncio 4.02.2023
Última actualización 4.02.2023 AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre
AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre AudioQuest Fire highend silver audio interconnects RCA 0,75 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One pair of AudioQuest Fire high end silver audio interconnect cables in a good condition. All conductors of the Fire have a solid core. Conventional cables have conductors with multiple cores (stranded). In a conventional cable, the electrical and magnetic interference between “strands” of such a conductor are the biggest source of distortion. Often this has the result that the sound gets a sharp ‘edge’. The special silver PSS (Solid Perfect-Surface Silver) used for the Fire has a stunningly smooth surface. The silver wire is protected against damage during production. Moreover, PSS is exceptionally pure. The smooth surface and pure silver make PSS an exceptionally good conductor with little distortion, better then copper. AudioQuest has experimented with superior metals for 15 years, but even AudioQuest was surprised by the performance improvement of PSS. Every material that surrounds a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. The insulation around a conductor (but also, for example, printed circuit boards) absorbs energy. Part of that energy is stored temporarily, but released later. This is a source of distortion. Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Air Tubes were used for the Fire. Air has the property to absorb virtually no energy. The result is an even better focus (less smearing) of the sound. The length is 0,75 metre and they have the original RCA connectors and DBS packs. Retail price is 3.249 euro. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 1,349 EUR Cambios de precio >
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