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AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre Fecha del anuncio 13.04.2023
Última actualización 13.04.2023 AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre
AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre AudioQuest Hurricane HC High Current audio power cable C15 2,0 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One AudioQuest Hurricane High Current high end audio power cable in a fantastic condition. It is the latest version with a Nylon Clip between the three conductors. Technically the same as the original braided (French Braid) finish, but more flexible in use. Hurricane High Current improves even further upon the Tornado High Current by encompassing perfect-surface copper+ conductors throughout. This improvement ensures consistently improved conductivity, further reducing interference and loss, providing cleaner more substantial current to your system. The High-Current version is designed for use on all kind of equipment like power amplifiers, preamplifiers, power distributors and digital sources like CD-players and streamers. The length is 2,0 metre and it has the original Level-X DBS pack and connectors (EU schuko and C15 IEC). Retail price is 2.899 euro. The original box and case are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 1,599 EUR Cambios de precio >
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