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Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier Fecha del anuncio 27.04.2023
Última actualización 27.04.2023 Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier
Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier Metrum Acoustics Aurix audio headphone amplifier
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One Metrum Acoustics Aurix headphone amplifier in a very good condition, the original European 200-240 volts version. Aurix is a 100% class A amplifier with a very high signal-to-noise ratio and almost no distortion. Because feedback has not been implemented in the design the Aurix has no degradation of the incoming signal in terms of dynamics and imaging. In order to ensure the Aurix is flexible and applicable for most headphones it has two gain factors so that both low and high impedance headphones can be utilized. Aside from that the Aurix is equipped with two controllable analogue inputs that, in case no headphone is connected, can loop the signal back to your set. This allows the Aurix to be permanently installed in your hifi-set without you ever having to switch the cables around. Retail price is 1.250 euro. The original manual and box are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 649 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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