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Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre Fecha del anuncio 4.08.2023
Última actualización 4.08.2023 Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre
Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre Kimber Kable Monocle XL highend audio speaker cables 2,1 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One pair of Kimber Kable Monocle XL high end audio speaker cables in a good condition. 24 wire braid of TC and VS conductors around X38R stabilizing core. The best of both TC and VS attributes with a lower noise floor. XL versions are ideal for longer lengths or more difficult loads. Expanded braid geometry offers better mechanical and electrical damping as well as extends dynamic range on both ends of the spectrum give you a huge soundstage and precise imaging. All the instruments get a little more elbow room. The length is 2,1 metre and they have the original connectors (WBT spades at speaker ends and WBT banana connectors at amplifier ends). Retail price is 2.650 euro. The original box is included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 1,399 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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